Mom Win of the Week: You may have seen my stories on Instagram this week, but I’ve convinced Isla to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor next to my bed. This is a huge step from being IN our bed and it’s magical. It’s a tiny blip on our epic quest to get her to sleep through the night in her own bed, but I’ll take the forward progress how ever I get it!
Mom Fail of the Week: Pretty sure my kids are brushing their teeth an average of maybe 4 times a week. Christmas Break got us off track like whoa. Glad to be back on a regular schedule!
Listening to: I just started listening to The Mom Hour and I’m loving it so far! I go in waves of loving or hating mom podcasts, because sometimes I need to talk about anything other than being a mom.
Watching: Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (like the rest of America). I had heard about her book back in 2016, but with a newborn and a newly diagnosed toddler, IDGAF about tidying up. I am slightly obsessed with organization and clean, minimal spaces (I really am, I just live with human tornadoes who deplete all my energy and attempts to do it!). When we moved into this house, I was pregnant with Nolan and things kind of just went where they landed, figuring we’d deal with it later. Well, needless to say, three years later, now is the time! I’m slowly chipping away at a few drawers here and there, but Brittany and I are trying to put together a challenge to get you all involved too, if you’re interested!
Wearing: Honestly, mostly workout stuff these days. I did get some new shoes, which are super comfy. Lightweight enough for HIIT style movements, but with enough support to do a lap or two.
Looking Forward To: AJ’s office Christmas party was postponed during the Camp Fire when they were all working crazy hours. It’s scheduled for next weekend, which means the kids are off to their grandparents and we get a night off!
Planning: All my workouts and meals! We’re just about to the end of week 1 of 6 in our bootcamp. Both Brittany and I are really enjoying KaiaFIT and making healthier changes. We know it’s a common resolution, but something about it this time feels different, at least for me. My kids are older, I’m more realistic with my expectations (At least I hope I am. Emotional meltdown TBD!) and I feel like I’ve found a good nutritional approach that works for me right now with Weight Watchers.
Meal Plan: This is something I want to try and share more of! My plan is to share last week’s meal plan since I usually don’t have the new one ready by Friday. I try to plan about 4 meals/week. That seems to be enough variation for us and as much as we can eat without drowning in/wasting leftovers. I also only plan for dinner because breakfast is almost always scrambled eggs, toast and two pieces of Canadian bacon (wild, I know). Lunches are always leftovers. Planning for four days also seems to be about the amount of days I can cook without losing my mind. I love to do it, but the dishes, prep and clean up is the overwhelming part.
- Three Cheese Zucchini Stuffed Lasagna Rolls
- Zoodles & Meat Sauce (no real recipe for this- I just brown ground turkey, then simmer with a can of tomatoes and tomato sauce, frozen spinach, some basil, oregano and garlic)
- Turkey Breast with Sweet Potatoes and Green Beans (From One and Done cookbook)
- Turkey Cheeseburger Soup (also from One and Done, but available here)
In Case You Missed It….
Brittany shared her story about maintaining her mental health.
These are all the reasons you need a fitness community.
As always, you can follow us on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter! Did you know we have a Facebook group too?
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