Don’t know how much I believe this article because at the rate I curse while running, I should be winning races by now. 😉 Interesting, nonetheless.
Need some inspiration? Watch Will Ferrell’s commencement speech at USC. He’s the best.
“Sometimes we need an outside force to give ourselves the reminder of how important self-care really is.” Now text a friend and check in on them.
I think about this often: my youth was untouched by social media. But how does that prepare me to navigate my kids through a social media filled world as they get older?
Any Veep fans out there? This made me LOL.
I am currently…
The Girl On The Train. I knowwwww, I’m like a hundred years late to the party but the rumors are true, SO GOOD.
Kimmy Schmidt and Orange Is The New Black newest seasons. I love summertime in Netflix land.
So much Justin Beiber. Don’t judge me.
Sullivan (my youngest) is turning three next week! Holy crap where does the time go?
This blog! Oh man it’s been fun working with Heather on all that is to come. I hope you all love it!
Monday night bachelorette with the ladies. A welcome break from Mondays which always seem to be loooonnnnngggggg.
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