Mom win of the week: We did a lot of fun things the past few weeks–bowling, camping, swimming, soccer camp, visiting neighborhood lemondade stands, the movies, playgrounds, seeing friends. Summer has arrived and I’m living for it.
Mom fail of the week: Is there such thing as an almost-five-nager? Maaaan, we’ve butted heads this week and I don’t know if it’s just extra togetherness time with summer break, if he’s about to flare, or this is just thing he’s going through. Whatever it is, I’ve got my white flag flying over here!
Wearing: The sunglasses in the photo above all day, err day. I had my first set of Ray-Bans for almost 9 years and for Mother’s Day got these pretties. I’m not good at taking care of most of my life (ha! jk kinda) but for some reason, I can take care of a pair of sunglasses. I love these because I can’t do the completely round trend (which I love) because of my round face, but the hexagons are just the right fit and with the blue mirrored lenses are my fave. Get you some!
Listening to: I need some new podcast recs. I’m running low and can’t seem to get in to anything. What are your faves right now?
Watching: Handmaid’s Tale and Big Little Lies like the rest of America duuuh! 😉
Looking forward to: Sullivan’s birthday party next week! We’ve got something super fun and exciting planned, make sure you’re following along on Instagram to see it on our Stories!
Planning: The above mentioned party and Session 2 of the Okayest Moms Summer Series! Will you join us? Psst… Day 4 is available for free!
Meal plan: I have really sucked at this lately but I need to get on the ball especially for this upcoming crazy week. I plan to make Heather’s crockpot tri-tip (recipe coming soon!) and french dips for sure. What are your go to easy/make-ahead dinners that relieve week day stress when you’re busy? Please let me know if the comments!
In case you missed it…
Heather recapped her solo trip to Austin including all about Mom2.0 and what she wore
Heather wrote about putting herself first as a mom, even when it’s not your first instinct
We previewed Session 2 of the #OMSS2019 and spoiler alert, it’s going to be incredible
You can find the show notes, plus the link to purchase the replay, for all of Session 1 here, too!
+ Finding Confidence in Motherhood with JeeYoung
+ Motherhood & Mental Health with Andrea
+ Staying Fit & Motherhood with Giselle
+ Once Post-Natal, Always Post-Natal with Amy
+ Skincare for the Ages with Gia
You can get more from us over on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter! Did you know we have a Facebook group too?
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